Save hours of waiting in line at #CES2018 with these quick tips.
After spending two days at CES 2018, I have some tips and tricks for you if you’re just getting in:
Get booze quick
Go to Lucky’s Food Court in the Grand Lobby and follow the cooler to your right all the way back to booze: Heineken cans, Budweiser, and wine-in-a-can. Stock up! Networking is better with some liquid confidence.
Get away from the mob
Grab your alcohol and take a left immediately after leaving Lucky’s. Go up the stairs / escalator to the second floor. The traffic is usually 60% less up here and you have bathrooms and casual seating available. Plus you are an ear shot from Samsung's VR exhibit one floor down and they have some funky beats for you to enjoy while you're sipping your spirits and getting your bearings on the conference's layout.
Don't even bother following these signs. Bypass the long waits by walking two or three blocks from the Convention Center.
Do all your Uber / Lyfting at least three blocks away
Once you get within this range of the Convention Center (LVCC), your opportunity cost goes down exponentially. Just walk the last / first few blocks – it’s Vegas, there's plenty to look at. Circling the LVCC for forty minutes doesn't benefit anyone.
Visit Hoffbrauhaus German restaurant
Enough said. It was right by our hotel and they took good care of us. Grab some sausages and kraut. You're gonna need something to soak up the beer. Ask if Christine is working.
Fly out / in Vegas outside the prime travel times
It sounds cliche, but there are soooo many international visitors, if you can do it, stay an extra few days and gamble. Or leave early - I flew out on Wed night and couldn’t get my shoes off fast enough to keep up with security…literally.
That’s it! I made this article purposely short so all you conventioners had the attention span to read it. Hahahaha – have a great con!